About Us
Business Excellence
Business Excellence sets the direction for how excellence is defined for each function in NEI, A stepping stone for building maturity into functions as per the guideline set into NEI Way of Work (WOW)
It has been designed in accordance with Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA) and European Foundation of Quality Management (EFQM) which is the model internationally recognized as providing a framework to assist the adoption of business excellence principles.
In 2015 we also became the first bearing manufacturing company to receive Grand Deming Award

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E-Wall of Fame
NEI extensively embarked upon system improvement and implemented modern concepts of Total Quality Management. NEI has been awarded ISO 9001 certification in 1995 & QS-9000 certification in year 2000 – THE MARK OF EXCELLENCE IN QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS by the renowned Certification Agency M/s Bureau Veritas (BV) of the France for design, development, manufacture & supply of NEI’s complete range of products. NEI was awarded ISO 14001 by BV in the month of Mar’2000 for Environmental Management System, NEI was awarded ISO/TS 16949 in the month of Jan’2004 by BV for Quality Management System. NEI is the first bearing industry in India to have been recommended for ISO/TS16949. NEI has been awarded “AAR Certification M – 1003” by the Association of American Railroads (AAR) for Cartridge Tapered Roller Bearings of Railway Division in Feb 2005.
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Understanding Bearing Cages: Types, Design & Applications
Bearing cages are essential components in the operation of rolling element bearings. They play a pivotal role in maintaining the spacing of rolling elements (like

Bearing Pullers: A Comprehensive Guide to Types and Applications
Choosing the right bearing is like building a strong foundation – everything else depends on it! In the same vein, bearing pullers are crucial for

A Comprehensive Guide to Bearings Used in Conveyor Rollers
Introduction to Conveyor Rollers and Bearings Conveyor systems are integral to modern industrial processes, ensuring the smooth and efficient transportation of materials. At the heart
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